
6 Hollyoaks Spoilers for this week – September 23-25

Next week on Hollyoaks, Ste refuses to forgive Rex, the identity of Leah’s baby daddy is revealed and Mercedes receives shocking news at her oncology appointment.

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Will Ste forgive Rex?

Prior to the explosion that killed his husband James (Gregory Finnegan), Ste (Kieron Richardson) embarked on a torrid fling with gangster Rex (Jonny Labey).

After the explosion left Ste in a coma for twelve months, there’s been some revelations about Rex’s history.

The revelation that he is actually the son of the late gangster Fraser Black (Jesse Birdsall) has led Rex to learn that he has two siblings living in the village – Grace Black (Tamara Wall) and Dee Dee Hutchinson (Lacey Findlow).

In the time that Ste has been in a coma, Rex has been able to forge a relationship with Grace and her husband Freddie (Charlie Clapham), who ironically is the man who shot and killed Fraser back in 2014.

With Ste now out of a coma, it’s been revealed that Rex would often visit Ste and maintain a bedside vigil, however Ste doesn’t care – he is out for revenge.

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Next week, Ste learns the truth about Rex’s parentage, but that’s not enough for Ste. He doesn’t want anything to do with Rex.

Who is the father of Leah’s baby?

When viewers returned to Hollyoaks after the time jump, they were shocked to see two members of the Lomax family pregnant – Leela (Kirsty-Leigh Porter) and Leah (Elá-May Demircan).

It wasn’t long before they were introduced to the newest member of the family with Leah giving birth this week. However the question that hung in the air was who was the father of the child?

Numerous theories began to emerge as details of former residents’ whereabouts came to light. Her brother Lucas (Oscar Curtis) was in a young offenders program, whilst ex-boyfriend Charlie (Joshua McConville) had moved on from the village.

Fans were quick to jump onto theories about whether Lucas’ incarceration could have something to do with his boyfriend Dillon (Nathaniel Dass) potentially being the father of Leah’s baby.

To further complicate matters, Leah’s having a baby hasn’t stopped her plans to move to the United States for university. Having asked a newly awoken Ste to look after her baby, Leah is shocked to learn that he isn’t willing to do so.

It seems it won’t be long before viewers find out the truth with it set to explode in the village next week!

JJ collapses at his trial

In the year that has passed, Frankie’s (Isabelle Smith) been on a downward spiral. Prior to the time jump, she was grappling with the sexual abuse inflicted on her by brother JJ (Ryan Mulvey) and in the time that’s passed, he’s been awaiting trial.

Next week, the time has come for JJ’s trial to kick off. On Monday, he finds himself face to face with his sister, who he hasn’t seen in quite some time.

It’s not long before JJ is pleading with his sister to revoke her statement that he raped her, instead saying they their sex was consensual.

A fragile Frankie feels the effects of this, but when JJ plays the dead mother card on her, she is empowered by a second wind of strength in bringing her brother to justice.

Meanwhile, grandfather Jack (James McKenna) also has his own thoughts about the situation and reveals his plan to partner Pearl (Dawn Hope) that he has an idea about how to make JJ own up to his crime.

Outlining some mistakes of his past, Jack is hopeful it will help JJ see reason…

However, as the court date comes around, JJ collapses.

Will Mercedes’ results bring good news?

Following the departure of her husband Warren (Jamie Lomas) for a new life away from the village, Mercedes (Jennifer Metcalfe) has struggled with the bringing up of their twin daughters and battling bowel cancer.

Diagnosed during the time jump, Mercedes’ illness was revealed in the first episode back when she removed her wig and spoke to friends Grace and Leela about how tired she had been.

Next week, Mercedes gets the results back following her latest round of chemotherapy. To have her family around her is big for Mercedes and no one has been stronger for her than brother John Paul (James Sutton), who hasn’t left her side for the entire battle.

Turning to new boyfriend Jeremy (Jeremy Sheffield) for support, John Paul can’t help but worry about his sister.

As Mercedes arrives at her oncology appointment, she calls John Paul and the pair listen to her results…

It seems the news won’t be all they’ve bargained for as Misbah is forced to admit to Mercedes that there isn’t any way she will be giving up on the treatment, and neither should she.

Will the news of Mercedes’ ongoing battle not be what they’ve both been waiting for?

Brothers at war

Freddie Roscoe has always had a tempestuous relationship with his brother Robbie (Charlie Wernham). Since the pair’s return, there’s been a looming question over who should retain custody of Freddie’s daughter Lexi (Marnie Fletcher).

Next week, Freddie is shocked to learn that social services have made an appointment to come around and visit him and Grace. Could this end in Robbie getting what he wants – custody of Lexi?

Meanwhile, Robbie requests Lexi’s help in preparing a proposal he’s planning to make to Vicky (Anya Lawrence).

Here are the Hollyoaks spoilers for next week:

Monday 23rd September (Episode 6464)

A family continue to rebuild from the events they went through last year.

A new mum wants to focus on her career, and presents her dad with a big decision.

Meanwhile, there are red flags in a new relationship.

Tuesday 24th September (Episode 6465)

One resident realises that their feelings aren’t reciprocated.

An uncomfortable encounter leaves a friend worriedly watching on.

Wednesday 25th September (Episode 6466)

A family feud puts two brothers at loggerheads.

An unexpected heartfelt chat encourages one resident to extend an olive branch

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